BSI has partnered with CleanSpray Technologies to provide our customers with a turnkey solution to keep your vehicle safe, help retain your vehicle drivers, and put your passengers minds' at ease. Our mission is to use science and technology to provide efficient and effective methods for mitigating human exposure to harmful pathogens by cleaning the air we breathe, and the surfaces we touch.
The CleanTransit ™ Spray System is a patented on-demand misting system combined with plant-based disinfectant that allows a proven and consistent method of cleaning transportation vehicles. The automation dramatically decreases labor costs and eliminates the chance for human error in cleaning, providing economical, thorough and continuous protection for your drivers and passengers.
System Benefits
Up to 40 Days of Disinfectant On-Board
Custom Designed to Fit Any Size Bus or Van
12 Volt powered
Up to 24 nozzle system
Constructed of Aircraft Aluminum for a Long Lifespan and Rugged Durability
Fleet Managers and Directors can calculate and budget exact costs
Disinfects at a costs starting at $1.00 per Transit Bus
Dramatically reduces labor costs, eliminates any human error
System designed to disinfect entire vehicle air and surfaces with the push of a button
Disinfects the entire vehicle including the air in as little as 30 seconds
No rinse or wipe required, dry time as quickly as Water
Can re-enter the vehicle immediately after spray
Solution is Non-Abrasive, Non-Corrosive, and Non-Combustible (see Safety Data Sheet)
Laboratory tested for efficacy
Does not harm electronics or fog internal cameras
Low Maintenance
12 Volt on demand switch, no AC plug is required, will not impede function of existing electrical
Designed and patented for the transportation industry
EPA approved plant-based solution eliminates 99.99% of Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi & Molds, including SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19)
CleanSpray offers laboratory tested plant-based disinfectants and proprietary delivery systems to create safe and healthy environments. Using our laboratory, research and scientific data, CleanSpray scientists ensure only the highest quality disinfecting products.

Automated Disinfecting Process
Calculate and Budget exact disinfecting costs
Dramatically reduces labor costs and saves labor time
Safer than traditional cleaning products, reducing human exposure to harsh chemicals
Available for School Bus and Transit Bus

Automatically Disinfects your bus in less than 10 Seconds
Watch Below

EPA List N Approved
Eliminates 99.9% of Germs

Low Toxicity

Hospital Grade

Quat and Bleach Free
Disinfect and Protect Your Bus, Van, or Commercial Vehicle
Disinfectant Benefits
Kills 99.9% of Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi & Molds
Bactericidal, Virucidal, Tuberculocidal, and Fungicidal
Disinfect, Sanitize, Clean, and Deodorize in 1 Step
Contains NO chlorine, phosphates or harsh chemicals
Non-combustible liquid
No rinse or wipe required
Can re-enter the vehicle immediately after spray
Drying time is the same as water
Non-Abrasive and Non-Corrosive
Botanically Derived Active ingredient
EPA Registered and Approved
Approved for use against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus)
Laboratory Tested for efficacy
Does not harm on-board electronics
Available in:
5 and 10 gal containers
55 gal drum
180 gal pallet
275 gal tote